hello there! this entire website is an awful work in progress!!
i am yet another person inside your computer. i go by osaciel online and i'm a forever daydreaming artist who tries a little bit of everything.
i've been coding since 2022 and i haven't gotten better in the slightest! this is my 2nd or 3rd neocities so far and i decided to take a fresh start and
make a new one less constricted by aesthetics and more focused on my interests and daily activities. i hope u will enjoy your time in my silly
little headspace!
note that half of the time i do not know why and how my code works. i do not know it is held together by hello kitty bandaids and clear glue.
i'm super awkward and a loser lowkey but feel free to hmu on any socials if you have anything to tell me lol (even though they don't appear here yet).
i coded most of this on notepad++ first before switching to neocities to make adjustments. feel free to steal graphics and shit, i even make some you can take, but please don't hotlink anything i delete stuff all the time